Discover our Group

Discover our production

About us

Our Group specialises in precision machining.

We devote our utmost attention to production cycles, our choice of raw materials and constant control checks on each component. We comply with rigorous international production standards. Our work culture and practicality have been handed down to us.

Discover the Group
  • Company organisation

    We are extending the company’s control activities, organising work flows and maximising the value of all our resources to meet our customers’ requests.

  • Quality system

    Quality is key in our sector, so Eurotecno works in compliance with ISO 9001 and IATF.

  • Traceability

    We ensure complete identification of all the components used and machining carried out during the production process for better efficiency, better product distribution and rational project management.

  • Project management

    The complexity of industrial machining projects requires a diverse and continued skill set. Our technical team accompanies each project one step at a time, from choosing a mould to manufacturing the finished part.

  • Continuous improvement

    We are constantly testing and improving the performance of our production systems to offer even more efficient results and work solutions.